Individuals and Societies
With a heavy focus on written responses and multiple modes of presentation, students enjoy interactive learning through History Alive! strategies within the framework of the IB criteria. Students further develop the research skills they are learning in their Language Arts (Language A) classes to continue to explore the Humanities in project-based learning opportunities. Teachers provide a global focus via study of world cultures in 6th grade, through studies of global influences on Texas and the United States in 7th & 8th grade, further developing the international mindedness concept of IB.
Language And Literature
Reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills are developed in the context of the IB framework in the Language Arts classes. Teachers differentiate for high-needs learners as well as high-achieving learners, taking students where they are and building their strengths to help them grow. Students participate in the writing process, Socratic Seminars, poetry readings, project-based learning, interdisciplinary units, and other engaging activities to strengthen the communication skills that are so critical to all other learning opportunities.
Language Acquisition
All students are enrolled in a modern language (French, German, or Spanish) to gain competence in a language other than their mother-tongue. This three year progression of study is systematically developed in the four interrelated skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Through learning experiences students participate in oral discussions, read types of printed media, listen to authentic language, and write using vocabulary and language structures to communicate information and ideas. Integration of multi-media is an essential tool to engage students toward becoming proficient language learners.
RRISD offers multiple levels of Middle School math to its qualifying students. Grisham math teachers enhance conceptual development by making connections to real-life experiences and incorporating interdisciplinary units, which involve research and project-based learning. Communication, one of the IB Criteria for Math, is also cultivated as an important aspect of 21st Century Skills our students will need in the future.
Mathematics plays an essential role both within the school and in society. It promotes a powerful universal language, analytical reasoning and problem-solving skills that contribute to the development of logical, abstract and critical thinking. Moreover, understanding and being able to use mathematics with confidence is not only an advantage in school but also a skill for problem-solving and decision-making in everyday life. Therefore, mathematics should be accessible to and studied by all students.
Mathematics is well known as a foundation for the study of sciences, engineering and technology. However, it is also increasingly important in other areas of knowledge such as economics and other social sciences. MYP mathematics aims to equip all students with the knowledge, understanding and intellectual capabilities to address further courses in mathematics, as well as to prepare those students who will use mathematics in their workplace and life in general. In MYP mathematics, the four main objectives support the IB learner profile, promoting the development of students who are knowledgeable, inquirers, communicators and reflective learners.
IB Criteria for Mathematics
Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding
Criterion B: Investigating Patterns
Criterion C: Communication
Criterion D: Applying Math in Real Life Context
All Science classes are held in science labs, assuring hands on-learning that provides the inquiry-based learning essential to the field of science (and puts Grisham students in excess of the state recommended 40% lab time). Students journal about all work including their conceptual discoveries and intellectual reflections throughout the year, thus further developing the communication skills so necessary for success. With a focus on current global issues and the impact of science on the world, students develop science process skills through biology, physical, and earth science in the context of the IB framework.