Han Milare
School Nurse
fax: 512-428-2790
If you need to take prescription or non prescription medication at school, you must bring in a completed, signed copy of the “Request to Administer Medication” Form along with the medicine in its original container. Additional guidelines appear on the form.
For students who have physician permission to self-manage (asthma and/or anaphylaxis) and/or want to leave an inhaler or epipen in the clinic, please have your physician complete a copy of the appropriate form below.
Sign the form and bring completed form to school nurse.
Permission to Administer Asthma Medication All Inhalers- Only form needed
Permission to Administer Epipen All Epi w/Antihistamine – Only form needed
Authorization for self-carry/administration of medicine at school
Current Immunization Record on File
A current immunization record must be on file. If you have questions or need help in locating a clinic that gives these immunizations please call the school nurse at 512-428-2659.
If minimum immunization requirements are not complete, your student WILL BE WITHDRAWN from school.
For clothing assistance, stop at the nurses clinic for referral form. Requests are confidential. Donations of gently used clothing may be dropped off at Grisham in marked containers.
Aunt Bertha Community Resources
Please check your student before they leave for school. If your student is ill, please keep him/her home.Students cannot attend school unless fever free (temperature less than 100 degrees) for at least 24 hours without fever reducing medication.
Please report all communicable diseases (flu, strep throat, pink eye, chicken pox, impetigo, scarlet fever) to the nurses office. This information helps prevent the spread of illness in school.
Please remember to keep all phone numbers and addresses up-to-date in the nurse’s office in case of emergencies. Remember the school can only release your student(s) to the people you have listed.
Parents if you are traveling out of town, out of state or out of the country, please remember to send to school in writing who will be responsible for taking care of your student(s). Please include phone numbers and addresses. Remember the school can only release your student(s) to the people you have listed.
Parents, please help your student to eat a healthy breakfast before coming to school or encourage them to eat breakfast in the cafeteria before school. Not eating breakfast is one of the main reason’s I see student in the clinic due to headaches, stomach aches and feeling dizzy.
Eating breakfast is one of the most important things to do to prepare for the school day. Some examples of quick and easy breakfast menus are: bagels, peanut butter, muffins, juices, yogurts, fruit, and granola bars. Proper nutrition, regular exercise and good hygiene habits help us all feel better, and help to reduce the frequency of unpleasant illnesses.
Hydrating all day with water is important in keeping healthy. Most of us don’t drink enough water.Many children come to the clinic due to headaches which is the main symptom of dehydration. After PE the children are very dehydrated and need more water than a few sips from the water fountain. Please have your child bring to school each day a water bottle.
Hand washing is one of the single most important ways to decrease the spread of infectious illnesses. Hands should be washed after using the restroom, after sneezing and coughing, and before preparing food. Hot soapy water should be used.
Personal hygiene such as showering, changing clothes daily and applying deodorant are all important during the adolescent years as children’s bodies are growing and maturing.
Regular and adequate sleep are important in staying healthy and ready to learn. It is recommended that your student gets 10 hours of sleep each night in order to do their best in school.
Regular exercise is a necessary daily requirement. We must get moving in order to live healthy productive lives. Make exercise a fun family time.